Londonderry Township
Rental Instructions
Create your profile by Clicking Here.
Fill out all fields. Be sure to assign at least one parent/guardian as Head of Household so they receive emails regarding changes to programs.
Make sure you add ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS who will be participating or paying for services. New household members can be added by going to your profile and clicking the Add Household Member button.
If you already have a profile please Log In
Once your account has been created:
- Click on the Pavilions tab.
- Select the reserve button next to the desired pavilion
- Use the arrow beside the calendar to advance the calendar to the month that you want to rent your pavilion. Click on the reserve button.
- Description of Use: type in birthday party, family reunion, etc.
- Group size: Enter 50 or 150. These are the only two options.
- Click on the + sign beside the fee. Click on the Add to Cart button.
- A number will appear beside the shopping cart to indicate that the item has been placed in the shopping cart.
- If you are need to add additional dates please do so before checking out.
- Click on the Checkout tab.
- Click on Accept Waiver.
- Required Forms - complete and sign the required forms. Dates must be entered as follows: MM/DD/YYYY
- Click on Completed Forms and proceed to enter your credit card information.
Londonderry Township employees
Londonderry Township volunteers
Non-profit organizations
Call the Township office at 717-944-1803 and ask for the promo code to receive a discount. After entering the promo code, click on the Validate button then Add to Cart. Follow the same instructions as above to continue reserving your pavilion.